Posted on 4/15/14
  1. The Cloud Breaker 1.1 update is out now!

  2. The biggest addition is the Chill Mode. In it, the game plays normally, but instead of a time limit, there’s a move limit. It also has a kickin’ rad new soundtrack and its own leaderboard.

div.iphoness img(src=“/img/blog/chillmode.png”)

  1. I also did a lot of work on the menus. The process from finishing a game to starting a new one is simpler, quicker, and more consistent. You’ll get a tip at the end of your game if you’re still working through the lower levels, and if you set a new record, you can tweet or facebook it for an extra retry.

div.iphoness img(src=“/img/blog/tip.png”) img(src=“/img/blog/gameover.png”) img(src=“/img/blog/share.png”)

  1. Here’s a table of the rewards offered based on the game mode and where your record was set:

table tr th th Stage 1 th Stage 2 th Stage 3 And Over tr th Time Mode td None td 5 Plays td 1 Retry tr th Chill Mode td 1 Retry td 1 Retry td 1 Retry

h2 Out with the old (bugs), in with the new (bugs)

  1. Fixed: Finishing a level while running out of time should no longer put you into some weird zombie state.
  2. Known Issue: Even if you purchased unlimited plays, the game will still offer you 5 plays as a share reward on stage 2. (The stage 3 or above reward is a retry though.)