Posted on 1/4/14

p | Cloud Breaker has been making steady progress. The main info page has a snazzy new .gif showing the gameplay.

p | Here’s a screenshot of the current development version:

p(style=“text-align: center”) img(src=“/img/cbss-1-4-13.png”, width=“200px”, style=“border: 1px solid black;”)

if preview a(href=link) Read More else p. As of last November 15th, I’ve been working on Cloud Breaker for over one year!

  1. It started off as a very different game…

p img(src=“/img/cloudbreaker/v1ss.png”, style=“border: 1px solid black;”)

  1. I love how games tend to change over the course of developement. (Look no further than Diablo III’s 10 year development cycle for an example of that.) At some point, I’ll show the whole evolution of Cloud Breaker.